Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Audio Podcast: Season 6, Episode 3

Episode 94 out of 100

Aloha everybody!

We at The Otaku 5-0 Show would like to thank everybody who took the time to vote on the polls posted on our website or on our Facebook page. For this week's poll, while Captain Jack Sparrow is at a 2-2 tie with The Dread Pirate Roberts on our Facebook page, he has taken a commanding 5-1 lead on our website poll with less than a day left to vote. Please vote in our newest poll (once again, on both sites) covering this week's installment of Defender!

But for now, sit back and enjoy the fruit of our labors.

~Totoro (Executive Producer)

WARNING! Portions of this podcast contain mature language and adult content. Listener discretion is advised!

Click here to download episode.

Show Notes
The Otaku 5-0 Show's Audio Podcast: Episode 6.3

Recording Date: February 21, 2011
Running Time: 81 minutes

Totoro (Executive Producer)
Jupiter (Executive Producer)
Mr. A (Executive Producer)
Jam (Producer)

1. Opening Bit: Bad Joke of the Day (Mr. A)

2. Lead-in (Totoro)

3. Pick/Fail of the Week

4. How We Would Have Done It: Catwoman

5. Topic From The Past - Least Favorite... Director (Episode 3.7)

6. Defender: Who Makes A Better Villain - Aliens or Robots?

7. Lead-out (Totoro)

Musical Notes
-Post-Disclaimer Theme: "Gato's Theme" from Chrono Trigger
-Opening Theme: "Kefka's Theme" from Final Fantasy VI
-Interstitial Clips: "Pre-Title" from His & Her Circumstances, "I'll Do It Right!" from Naruto, "Frog's Theme" from Chrono Trigger
-Ending Theme: "Breach of Contract" from Ah! My Goddess

Coming Soon...
Our next audio podcast episode!

Feedback is always accepted here at Otaku 5-0. Please send us an e-mail to us at otaku50podcast@gmail.com OR post on our message boards OR post a comment on this blog!


Anonymous said...

The filipino comment wasn't appreciated much, even though it's mostly haoles camping out and reading in there

Totoro said...

My profound apologies. We'll do better with the facts next time.
