Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Top 5...Dragon Ball Characters!

Howdy, everyone! And a big "Exodia" to all who are still listening to us after all this time!

In light of our last commentary we put up (as well as not submitting a contributor report yet), I figured I'd give you all my top 5 Dragon Ball characters (that aren't Goku) and list the reasons why I think they're so awesome.

I have put some thought into this just in case you're wondering...So, on with the show!

#5. Yajirobe
Okay, I know what you're thinking. "WHAT?! Why the hell is a loser like Yajirobe even on this list?!" Well, that's because out of all the characters in the DBU (Dragon Ball Universe) Yajirobe is the only human with no Ki attacks that can still hold his own against a fair amount of people, though probably not so much after the events of the Cell and Buu sagas. That and growing up as an obese person myself, I always liked it when fat people were portrayed as something other than comic-relief...though Yajirobe can crack a few jokes when need be...

#4. Trunks (Future Version)
Mysterious and enigmatic, cool clothes, and stronger than all-get-out, what teen didn't want to be Future Trunks (who we'll just call Trunks) when he first graced the screen (or pages)? Probably one of the more "emo" characters, Trunks burst into the scene cocky as hell with a power level to back it up. One of my favorites because growing up without a father, I can identify with Trunks' longing for some kind of affection from Vegeta.

#3. Piccolo
By far the "blackest" character in the DBU, Piccolo goes from mean psychotic evil-doer to just-as-mean level-headed hero and teacher to Gohan. I honestly believe that Dragon Ball Z wouldn't have been as interesting to watch without someone like Piccolo in it. Piccolo dies sacrificing himself to save someone else more times than any other character as far as I can recall and if that kind of dedication doesn't get you into this list then I don't know what will.

#2. Gohan
The DB equivalent of Luke Skywalker, Gohan goes from whiny little brat to uber master to teacher. Arguably the main character for almost all of DBZ, Gohan is a spitting image of his father, having his incredible strength as well as his love and devotion to his family. The only down side to Gohan is he does sort of puss-out at the end of Z, getting so out of practice in GT that he isn't even able to activate his hidden power that was so generously (yeah, right) unlocked thanks to Ro Kaioshin (the Elder Kai). Still, my figure of Ultimate Gohan that I bought at Toys 'n Joys more than ten years ago is still on my shelf so that's gotta say something.

#1. Krillin
That's right, you heard me, Krillin's the man. While he's short, insecure, and not as strong as the other main characters, consider this: Not only is he the third person to master the Kamehameha, he's also the originator of one of the coolest and maybe the strongest moves in the series (Kienzan, or Destructo Disk.) Krillin is a prime example of how a sidekick can grow into a hero in his own right. Yeah, we all loved Goku when we were 6 or 7 years old, but when the pressures of high school came into our lives and all the demeaning slurs were thrown our way by the jocks, preppy kids, and anyone else who didn't like us, we undoubtedly came to identify more with Krillin and his own struggle. Krillin is the best character, at least to me, because after the events in Z, he's the one who ends up with the most normal life. A loving wife, wonderful child, and a youth he can look back on and not regret a moment of it. I think deep down, we all long for something like that.

Anyways, that's my list. If you got any comments, feel free to leave them here. Who knows, I might just cosplay as Yajirobe for the next Kawaii Kon...

Jaa matta,
~Mr. A (Executive Producer)

Otaku 5-0 Season 3: Episode 8

Aloha everybody!

It is hard to believe that we have reached the halfway point in our 3rd season. I remain very pleased with our podcast team and I hope to see the remaining episodes continue to be both entertaining and informative.

In our latest installment, myself and Zell (Contributor-at-Large) join Mr. A (Executive Producer), who puts in another stint as Moderator (I must admit, he's getting better at the job every single time), which features Jupiter (Executive Producer) taking her turn at, "The Gauntlet," our version of a shoot interview segment.

~Totoro (Executive Producer)

Click here to download episode.

Show Notes
Otaku 5-0: Episode 3.8

Recording Date: September 28, 2009
Running Time: 81 minutes

Mr. A (Executive Producer)

Totoro (Executive Producer)
Jupiter (Executive Producer)
Zell (Contributor-at-Large)

1. A Misconception About Hawaii (Totoro)

2. Lead-in (Mr. A)

3. The Top 3... Reality TV Shows

4. Please Produce This...

5. The Gauntlet - Jupiter

A. If you were given $100,000 to make one costume that you'd have to wear (at every cosplay event) for the rest of your life, what costume would you make?

B. If you could create a manga, what genre would it be?

C. What is your favorite Dragonball character, and why?

D. If you had the opportunity to visit (for a single day) a setting or period in history, where would you visit?

E. What is your opinion about the resurgence of vampire-related stories in entertainment?

F. What is your definition of the word, "happiness?"

G. What do you see yourself doing ten years from now?

H. Who are your least favorite authors?

I. If you were forced to listen to two musical groups - The Pussycat Dolls or The Jonas Brothers - for five hours straight, which group would you pick?

J. Pick an anime that you're a fan of that you'd like your daughter to be a fan of ten years from now.

K. Star Wars: Galactic Empire or Rebellion?

L. Since you live in a place perceived as a paradise, what do you perceive as a paradise?

6. Lead-out (Mr. A)

Musical Notes
- Opening Theme: "Kefka's Theme" from Final Fantasy VI
- Interstitial Clips: "Frog's Theme" from Chrono Trigger, "I'll Do It Right!" from Naruto, "Pre-Title" from His & Her Circumstances
- Ending Theme: "Breach of Contract from Ah! My Goddess

Feedback is always accepted here at Otaku 5-0. It can be either posted on this site as a comment or sent via e-mail to Otaku50podcast@gmail.com

Coming Soon...
Our next podcast episode & a feature article from Mr. A!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Otaku 5-0 Audio Commentary: Dragonball Evolution

Aloha everybody!

As promised, I am proud to present to you the 2nd Otaku 5-0 audio commentary, featuring a film whose best moments (in the words of Executive Producer Mr. A) were the opening and closing credits.

But first, a little backstory...

After having such a good time recording our first audio commentary (which you can find here), I had always intended to continue the process, and during our last hiatus we originally planned to record an audio commentary for The Rocketeer (I even got a copy of the movie on DVD via Netflix.) But, for some reason, we never got had the chance to sit down and record it. Needless to say, I was a bit disappointed.

Once we had begun our 3rd season, I then decided to set aside a specific time each month (the 3rd Thursday, which makes this commentary a week late) in which we will record a fan-made commentary to our favorite (or in this case, not-so-favorite films.)

Now, you may be wondering why we decided to record a commentary for one of the worst films of the 2009 movie season. The answer lies in a little gem of a television show named Mystery Science Theater 3000. In that show, the characters are forced to watch (and rip to shreds) bad movies transmitted to their derelict space station. And by bad... we mean BAD!

So, if they can do it, why can't we? All we needed was to select a film whose deficiencies would live up to the style of the show. After some discussion, we settled on Dragonball Evolution (and the rest, as they say, is history.)

It is in that spirit that we offer you this commentary. Consider it an homage to one of the funniest, most underrated shows that has ever aired on television. I hope you have as much fun listening to it as we had recording it.

~Totoro (Executive Producer)

Show Notes
Otaku 5-0 Audio Commentary: Dragonball Evolution

Recording Date: September 24, 2009
Running Time: 90 minutes

Totoro (Executive Producer)
Jupiter (Executive Producer)
Mr. A (Executive Producer)
Neko-X (Video Game & Blu-Ray Contributor)

Click here to download commentary track.

To sync up our commentary with your DVD version of the film, just follow the instructions below:

FIRST AND FOREMOST, download our audio commentary track to your computer or favorite mp3 player.

1) Load up your DVD, and proceed to the main menu:

2) Move the cursor and highlight "Scene Selections" tab, and then select it.

3) Scroll through the corresponding menu, and highlight the Scene 1 with the cursor.

4) Play our audio commentary track, and select that scene when prompted to do so (in this case, when I say, "press.")

Musical Notes
- Opening Music Clip: "Eyecatch" from Full Metal Panic!


If you really don't want to waste money renting a copy of the DVD (and trust me, we wouldn't blame you), feel free to download this commentary track and listen to it as an individual episode of our podcast!

Feedback is always accepted here at Otaku 5-0. It can be either posted on this site as a comment or sent via e-mail to Otaku50podcast@gmail.com

Coming soon...
Our next podcast episode!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Otaku 5-0 Season 3: Episode 7

Aloha everybody!

Just as MacArthur did on the Philippines during WWII, we have returned!

On this special-length (over 80 minutes long) episode of Otaku 5-0, we are joined on the panel by our special guest DJ Buma for another slate of entertainment-related topic discussion (including some information regarding next year's Kawaii-kon anime convention!) Also, we wrap up our second helping of DVD Grab Bag, which is fast-becoming one of my favorite topics!

I and the rest of the staff would also like to send our heartfelt congratulations to our Technical Director Maka, for his recent inclusion into The Uncle Club! We wish him and his family all the best, and hope he will be able to join us again soon!

Mahalo (from "Baby Jail"),
~Totoro (Executive Producer)

Click here to download episode.

Show Notes
Otaku 5-0: Episode 3.7

Recording Date: September 21, 2009
Running Time: 99 minutes

Totoro (Executive Producer)

Jupiter (Executive Producer)
Mr. A (Executive Producer)
Neko-X (Video Game & Blu-ray Contributor)
Zell (Contributor-at-Large)

Special Guest
DJ Buma, Lord of the Butishake (Assistant Kawaii-kon Technical Director)

1. A Pearl Of Wisdom (Jupiter)

2. Lead-in (Totoro)

3. Film & Book Report (Totoro)

4. Random Chatter: Movie-related discussion (including Ponyo, box office news & notes, Pixar/Disney's Toy Story 3, upcoming DVD news/notes, and my mini-review of 9)

5. DVD Grab Bag II, Part 2

Mr. A reviews Elizabethtown
Jupiter reviews Sahara
Totoro reviews The 10th Kingdom
Neko-X reviews Seven Samurai

Note: All movies are graded on the, "Maka Scale".

6. Least Favorite... Director

7. A Serious Conversation About... Kawaii-kon 2010 (w/ DJ Buma!)

8. Lead-out (Totoro)

Musical Notes
- Opening Theme: "Kefka's Theme" from Final Fantasy VI
- Interstitial Clips: "Subtitle" from Full Metal Panic!, "Frog's Theme" from Chrono Trigger, "I'll Do It Right!" from Naruto
- Ending Theme: "Breach of Contract" from Ah! My Goddess

Feedback is always accepted here at Otaku 5-0. It can be either posted on this site as a comment or sent via e-mail to Otaku50podcast@gmail.com

Coming Soon...
Please stay tuned to this site for our Dragonball: Evolution audio commentary!

Monday, September 14, 2009

No new episode this week, But...

Aloha everybody,

Due to some scheduling conflicts, we will be unable to record an episode of Otaku 5-0 this week. But, do not despair!

I am putting the finishing touches on a trio (that's THREE) film-related feature articles that I hope will prove entertaining and informative. Stay tuned over the next few weeks to this site as they are released.

Additionally, although I have announced that we will be recording an audio commentary for Dragonball: Evolution on September 24th, I have also determined the next few movies in the commentary lineup. Here they are:

- The Rocketeer (Recording Date: October 15, 2009)
- Big Trouble In Little China (Recording Date: November 19, 2009)
- Ninja Scroll (December 17, 2009)
- Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (Recording Date: January 21, 2010)
- Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets (Recording Date: February 18, 2010)
- My Neighbor Totoro (Recording Date: March 18, 2010)

Looks like we'll have quite a bit to keep us busy as this 2009 year comes to an end, but I would like to end this announcement on a personal note.

Last week Wednesday (9/9/09, in case you were curious), my brother and sister-in-law became the proud parents of a beautiful baby girl (whom I shall nickname, "Hunny Pot"), which means that I am also a proud uncle!

Uncle Totoro & Hunny Pot

Well, that's about it for now. Please stay tuned to this site for our next podcast episode and have a great week!

~Totoro (Executive Producer)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Otaku 5-0 Season 3: Episode 6

Aloha everybody!

While everybody else was probably enjoying their Labor Day Weekend, the staff of Otaku 5-0 (after some technical difficulties) was hard at work, and we bring you another episode full of entertainment-themed topic discussion!

This is an episode that Two-Face would love. Not only does Neko-X give us his 2nd contributor report for this season, Mr. A sits in on his second episode as a Moderator & we also bring you the 2nd installment of DVD Grab Bag!

~Totoro (Executive Producer)

WARNING! Portions of this podcast contain mature language and adult content. Listener discretion is advised.

Click here to download episode.

Show Notes
Otaku 5-0: Episode 3.6

Recording Date: September 7, 2009
Running Time: 78 Minutes

Mr. A (Executive Producer)

Totoro (Executive Producer)
Jupiter (Executive Producer)
Neko-X (Video Game & Blu-ray Contributor)
Zell (Contributor-at-Large)

1. Totally Random Statement (Neko-X)

2. Lead-in (Mr. A)

3. Video Game & Blu-Ray Report (Neko-X & Mr. A)

4. DVD Grab Bag II, Part 1

Jupiter selected Sahara
Neko-X selected Seven Samurai
Mr. A selected Elizabethtown
Totoro selected The 10th Kingdom

5. Favorite... Movie Genre

6. How We Would've Done It... Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

7. Random Chatter: Disney-Marvel Acquisition Deal

8. Lead-out (Mr. A)

Musical Notes
- Post-Disclaimer Theme: Catch (boon) from Ah! My Goddess
- Opening Theme: "Kefka's Theme" from Final Fantasy VI
- Interstitial Clips: "Subtitle" from Full Metal Panic!, "Frog's Theme" from Chrono Trigger, "Subtitle" from Revolutionary Girl Utena, "I'll Do It Right!" from Naruto
- Ending Theme: Breach of Contract" from Ah! My Goddess

Feedback is always accepted here at Otaku 5-0. It can be either posted on this site as a comment or sent via e-mail to Otaku50podcast@gmail.com

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Otaku 5-0 Season 3: Episode 5

Aloha everybody,

On this episode of Otaku 5-0, Jupiter returns as episode moderator (with me filling in for her in certain spots while she takes care of Luna) as we welcome back our Anime & Manga Contributor Kira for his second of four planned contributor reports for this season.

Also, I am pleased to announce that after looking over the schedule, we will be adding another episode to the lineup, bringing our grand total up to 16 for this season (and yes, the upcoming Otaku 5-0 Audio Commentary for Dragonball: Evolution does not count as an actual episode.)

But finally, I and the rest of the Otaku 5-0 staff would like to wish Mr. A (Executive Producer) a very Happy Birthday! I for one look forward to seeing just what tidings this next year of life will bring.

~Totoro (Executive Producer)

WARNING! Portions of this podcast contain mature language and adult content. Listener discretion is advised.

Click here to download episode.

Show Notes
Otaku 5-0: Episode 3.5

Recording Date: August 31, 2009
Running Time: 86 minutes

Jupiter (Executive Producer)

Totoro (Executive Producer)
Mr. A (Executive Producer)
Kira (Anime & Manga Contributor)

1. A Misconception About Hawaii (Totoro)

2. Lead-in (Jupiter)

3. Anime & Manga Report (Kira)

4. Great Debate: Grey's Anatomy, Scrubs, or ER?

5. X Reasons Why... U.S. Studios Must Stop Producing Anime/Manga-based Movies

6. Good Sequel, Bad Sequel

7. Lead-out (Totoro)

Musical Notes
- Post-Disclaimer Theme: "Eyecatch" from Full Metal Panic!
- Opening Theme: "Kefka's Theme" From Final Fantasy VI
- Interstitial Clips: "Subtitle" from Full Metal Panic!, "Pre-Title" from His & Her Circumstances, "Frog's Theme" from Chrono Trigger, "I'll Do It Right!" from Naruto
- Ending Theme: "Breach of Contract" from Ah! My Goddess

Feedback is always accepted here at Otaku 5-0. It can be either posted on this site as a comment or sent via e-mail to Otaku50podcast@gmail.com