Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Audio Podcast: Season 6, Episode 10

Episode 102

Aloha everybody!

With days to go until Kawaii-kon 2011, the staff of The Otaku 5-0 Show has gathered for its customary "Pre-kon" discussion, where we give a quick rundown on guests, events and other stuff we are planning to do for the weekend. In addition, Maka re-joins the proceedings to give his review on his DVD Grab Bag pick, Martian Child.

So sit back, relax and enjoy the fruit of our labors!

~Totoro (Creator, Executive Producer)

WARNING! Portions of this podcast contain mature language and adult content. Listener discretion is advised.

Click here to download episode.

Show Notes
The Otaku 5-0 Show's Audio Podcast: Episode 6.10

Recording Date: April 26, 2011
Running Time: 53 minutes

Totoro (Creator, Executive Producer)
Jupiter (Executive Producer)
Mr. A (Executive Producer)
Maka (Producer)
Gypsy (Producer)

1. Opening Bit: Ask Mr. 8-Ball

2. Lead-in (Jupiter, Totoro)

3. Pick/Phail of the Week

4. DVD Grab Bag VII, Part 2 (Continued)

Maka reviews Martian Child

5. A Serious Conversation About... Kawaii-kon 2011

6. Lead-out (Jupiter, Totoro)

Musical Notes
-Post-Disclaimer Theme: "Gato's Theme" from Chrono Trigger
-Opening Theme: "Kefka's Theme" from Final Fantasy VI
-Interstitial Clips: "Frog's Theme" from Chrono Trigger, "I'll Do It Right!" from Naruto
-Ending Theme: "Breach of Contract from Ah! My Goddess

Coming Soon...
Our next audio podcast episode!

Feedback is always accepted here at The Otaku 5-0 Show. Please send us an e-mail to us at otaku50podcast@gmail.com OR post a comment on this blog!


Unknown said...

You guys should do an in depth analysis of the video game/anime/movie industry. Kind of discussing where these industries are heading, trends in them, and your own personal opinions.

Totoro said...

@eduardo1205: That sounds like something we can put some time into. Stay tuned for that!