Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Audio Podcast: Season 6, Episode 4

Episode 95 out of 100

Aloha everybody!

Let us start by making a few house-keeping announcements regarding our two previous polls:

- Captain Jack Sparrow quickly disarmed The Dread Pirate Roberts in their final tie-breaker duel, scoring 5 hits against 2.
- Robots scared Aliens back into the dark reaches of space with a 6-0 unanimous victory!

Okay, I am now proud to present to you the first episode of what I like to call, "The Otaku 5-0 Show Bumper Family Pack", which are three audio podcast episodes (you read that right... THREE) that we recorded in a single day in order to get us back up to speed!

After last week's Recording Phail! myself, Jupiter, Mr A and Peeps got together to record a replacement episode using the exact same topic lineup.

So sit back, relax and enjoy the first part of, "The Otaku 5-0 Show's Bumper Family Pack!"

~Totoro (Creator, Executive Producer)

Click here to download episode.

Show Notes
The Otaku 5-0 Show's Audio Podcast: Episode 6.4

Recording Date: March 7, 2011
Running Time: 59 minutes

Totoro (Creator, Executive Producer)
Jupiter (Executive Producer)
Mr. A (Executive Producer)
Peeps (Producer)

1. Opening Bit: A Word From Our Sponsor (Mr. A)

2. Lead-in (Jupiter)

3. Pick/Phail of the Week

4. Please Produce This...

5. Mobile Gaming Great Debate: Cartridge-based vs. App-based?

6. Fill In The Blank - "Triscuit"

7. Lead-out (All)

Musical Notes
-Opening Theme: "Kefka's Theme" from Final Fantasy VI
-Interstitial Clips: "I'll Do It Right!" from Naruto, "Frog's Theme" from Chrono Trigger, "Subtitle" from Full Metal Panic!
-Ending Theme: "Breach of Contract" from Ah! My Goddess

Coming Soon...
Part 2 of The Otaku 5-0 Show's Bumper Family Pack!

Feedback is always accepted here at The Otaku 5-0 Show. Please send us an e-mail to us at otaku50podcast@gmail.com OR post on our message boards OR post a comment on this blog!

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