Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Otaku 5-0 Season 5: Episode 1

Episode 73 out of 100

Aloha everybody!

We're back from our 3-month hiatus, and looking forward to another season of entertainment-themed discussion!

This episode is noteworthy in a number of ways. Not only does this start the first FULL season of episodes written by Jupiter & Mr. A, but we also joined on the panel Strawberry (Guest Contributor) whom you might remember from this episode.

So enjoy the fruit of our labors!

~Totoro (Otaku 5-0 Executive Producer)

Click here to download episode.

Show Notes
Otaku 5-0: Episode 5.1

Recording Date: August 9, 2010
Running Time: 56 minutes

Jupiter (Podcast Executive Producer)
Mr. A (Assistant Podcast Executive Producer)

Totoro (Otaku 5-0 Executive Producer)
Maka (Assistant Video Executive Producer)
Jam (Contributor-at-Large)
Zyconis (Contributor-at-Large)
Strawberry (Guest Contributor)

1. Opening Bit: Bad Joke of the Day (Mr. A)

2. Lead-in (Jupiter)

3. Taking Stock (a.k.a. what we did while we were away)

4. Casting Couch: Futurama

5. Best Star Wars Moment Ever!

6. Fill In The Blank: "Baby" <-- TOPIC DEBUT!

7. Lead-out (Jupiter)

Musical Notes
-Opening Theme: "Kefka's Theme" from Final Fantasy VI
-Interstitial Clips: "I'll Do It Right!" from Naruto, "Frog's Theme" from Chrono Trigger, "Pre-Title" from His & Her Circumstances
-Ending Theme: "Breach of Contract" from Ah! My Goddess

Coming Soon...
Our next podcast episode!

Feedback is always accepted here at Otaku 5-0. Please send an e-mail to otaku50podcast@gmail.com OR put a post on our message boards OR post a comment on this blog!.

1 comment:

kekumanshoyu said...