Thursday, December 17, 2015

Audio Podcast: Season 8, Episode 8

Episode 118

Aloha everybody!

For our next installment of our podcast, we vote on our favorite movie trailers!

Joining us on the panel is Grub, a mutual friend of both Mr. A & Panda Mac.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy the fruit of our labors!

And of course.... MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!

~Totoro (Creator, Executive Producer)

The opinions presented in this episode (or any episode of our show) are just that. OPINIONS. They are not meant to serve as an attack, in any conceivable form, on any person or organization.

Warning! Portions of this podcast contain mature language and adult content. Listener discretion is advised.

Show Notes
The Otaku 5-0 Show's Audio Podcast: Season 8, Episode 8

Recording Date: December 16, 2015
Running Time: 57 minutes

Mr. A (Executive Producer)
Panda Mac (Producer)
Grub (Guest Contributor)

Click here to download episode.


1. Lead-in (Mr. A)

2. The Otaku 5-0 Voting Segment - Movie Trailers (Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, Captain America: Civil War, Independence Day: Resurgence, Star Trek Beyond, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, X-Men: Apocalypse)

3 The Movie Trailer Discussion Segment

4. Lead-out (Mr. A)

Musical Notes
- Ending Theme: "Breach of Contract" from Ah! My Goddess

Coming Soon...
 Our next podcast episode!
Feedback is always accepted here at the Otaku 5-0 Show.

You may either drop us an e-mail at
Post a comment on this blog!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Audio Podcast: 8th Season, Episode 7

Episode 117

Aloha everybody!

I know this is a bit late, but I am only now able to upload the newest episode of our audio podcast!

This time around, Mr. A, Panda Mac, and myself (along with my friend Seneca) cast votes to decide the "Star Wars" movies in quality, from worst to best. We haven't come up with a name for this segment idea, but we're open to suggestions from our audience, so drop us an email at:

Also on this episode: our reaction to the, "Captain America: Civil War" trailer!

So, please sit back and enjoy the fruits of our labors!

~Totoro (Creator, Executive Producer)


The opinions presented in this episode (and in ANY episode of our show) are just that. OPINIONS. They are NOT INTENDED to serve as an attack, in any conceivable form, on any person or organization.
WARNING! Portions of this podcast contain mature language and adult content.
Listener discretion is advised!


Show Notes
The Otaku 5-0 Show's Audio Podcast: Season 8, Episode 7

Recording Date: December 3, 2015
Running Time: 87 minutes

Totoro (Creator, Executive Producer)
Mr. A (Executive Producer)
Panda Mac (Producer)

1. Bad Joke of the Day (Mr. A)

2. Lead-in (Totoro)

3. The Star Wars Voting Segment

4: The "Captain America: Civil War" Trailer Discussion Segment

5. Lead-out (Totoro)

Musical Notes:

Ending Theme: "Breach of Contract" from Ah! My Goddess

Coming Soon...
Our next podcast episode!


Feedback is always accepted here at The Otaku 5-0 Show!
Please send us an email to
Post a comment on this blog!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Audio Podcast: 8th Season, Episode 6

Episode 116

Aloha everybody!

I am pleased to present to you the latest episode of our audio podcast!

For today's discussion, we tackle Ronda Rousey's first UFC loss to Holly Holm, and our first impressions about Fallout 4 and Star Wars: Battlefront!

So sit back and enjoy!

~Totoro (Creator, Executive Producer)


The opinions presented in this episode (and in ANY episode of our show) are just that. OPINIONS. They are NOT INTENDED to serve as an attack, in any conceivable form, on any person or organization.
WARNING! Portions of this podcast contain mature language and adult content.
Listener discretion is advised!


Show Notes
The Otaku 5-0 Show's Audio Podcast: Season 8, Episode 6

Recording Date: November 18, 2015
Running Time: 108 minutes

Totoro (Creator, Executive Producer)
Mr. A (Executive Producer)
Panda Mac (Producer)

1. Bad Joke of the Day (Mr. A)

2. Lead-in (Totoro)

3. This Week In MMA (All)

4. First 10-Hours of Fallout 4 (All)

5. First 10-Hours of Star Wars: Battlefront (All)

6. Lead-out (Totoro)

Musical Notes
- Opening Theme: Kefka's Theme from Final Fantasy VI
- Ending Theme: "Breach of Contract" from Ah! My Goddess

Coming Soon...
Our next podcast episode & The Rise & Fall of Doctor Who!


Feedback is always accepted here at The Otaku 5-0 Show!
Please send us an email to
Post a comment on this blog!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Audio Podcast: Season 8, Episode 5

Episode 115

Aloha everybody!

I am proud to present to you our latest podcast episode!

With anticipation high for Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, we decided to continue our season-long geekfest by including more discussion about our favorite far, far away galaxy!

As usual, enjoy the fruits of our labors!

~ Totoro (Creator, Executive Producer)


The opinions presented in this episode (and in ANY episode of our show) are just that. OPINIONS. They are NOT INTENDED to serve as an attack, in any conceivable form, on any person or organization.
WARNING! Portions of this podcast contain mature language and adult content.
Listener discretion is advised!


Show Notes
The Otaku 5-0 Show's Audio Podcast: Season 8, Episode 5

Recording Date: November 5, 2015
Running Time: 83 minutes

Totoro (Creator, Executive Producer)
Mr. A (Executive Producer)
Panda Mac (Producer)

Click here to download episode.

1. Opening Bit: Bad Joke of the Day (Mr. A)

2. Lead-in (Mr. A)

3. Random Chatter, including discussion on Seth Rollins' injury and vacating of WWE Title (All)

4. Star Wars: Theories & Stuff We'd Like To See! (All)

5. Favorite... Star Wars Video Game That's NOT Knights of the Old Republic (KotOR)

6. Lead-out (Mr. A)

Coming Soon...
Our next podcast episode!


Feedback is always accepted here at The Otaku 5-0 Show!
Please send us an email to:
Post a comment on this blog!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Audio Podcast: Star Wars Bonus Segment

Aloha everybody!

I am pleased to present to a special bonus segment of our podcast, in which we talk about Star Wars spin-offs/series that we'd like to see.

Mahalo, and enjoy!
~Totoro (Creator, Executive Producer)

The opinions presented in this episode (and in ANY episode of our show) are just that. OPINIONS. They are NOT INTENDED to serve as an attack, in any conceivable form, on any person or organization.

WARNING! Portions of this podcast contain mature language and adult content.
Listener discretion is advised!

Show Notes
The Otaku 5-0 Show's Audio Podcast: Star Wars Bonus Segment

Recording Date: September 23, 2015
Running Time: 31 minutes

Totoro (Creator, Executive Producer)
Mr. A (Executive Producer)
Maka (Executive Producer)
Panda Mac (Producer)

Click here to download bonus segment.

1. Lead-in (Totoro, Maka)

2. Star Wars Spin-offs/Series That We'd Like To See

3. Lead-out (Totoro)

Musical Notes:
- Opening Theme: "Kefka's Theme" from Final Fantasy VI
- Ending Theme: "Breach of Contract" from Ah! My Goddess

Coming Soon...
Our next podcast episode!


Feedback is always accepted here at The Otaku 5-0 Show!
Please send us an email to
Post a comment on this blog!

Audio Podcast: Season 8, Episode 4

Episode 114

Aloha everybody!

Today, I am pleased to present our most recent helping of podcast goodness!

As promised, Maka and Mr. A bring are present to give you their more comprehensive review of this past weekend's The Amazing Hawaii Comic Con!

So I invite you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the fruits of our labors.

~Totoro (Creator, Executive Producer)

The opinions contained in this episode (and in ANY episode of our show) are strictly that. OPINIONS. They are NOT INTENDED to serve as an attack, in any conceivable form, on any particular person or organization.

WARNING! This episode contains mature language and adult content.
Listener discretion is advised!

Show Notes
The Otaku 5-0 Show's Audio Podcast: Episode 8.04
Recording Date: September 23, 2015
Running Times: 79 minutes

Totoro (Creator, Executive Producer)
Mr. A (Executive Producer)
Maka (Executive Producer)
Panda Mac (Producer)

Click here to download episode.

Format (Podcast Episode)
1. Opening Bit: Bad Joke of the Day (Mr. A)

2. Lead-in (Maka)

3. This Week In MMA (All)

4. The Amazing Hawaii Comic-Con Post-Convention Review Segment

5. Lead-out (Totoro)

Musical Notes
- Opening Theme: "Kefka's Theme" from Final Fantasy VI
- Ending Theme: "Breach of Contract" from Ah! My Goddess

Coming Soon...
A Special Bonus Podcast Segment!


Feedback is always accepted here at The Otaku 5-0 Show!
Please send us an email to:
Post a comment on this blog!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Audio Podcast: Season 8, Episode 3

Episode 113
Aloha everybody!

Our podcast team returns for yet another stream-of-consciousness episode!

For this episode, we are joined by Guest Contributor Rerun (who is now known as Clue), who appeared on a few episodes back in Season 2.

Inside this episode, we give our first impressions/feedback of the upcoming Amazing Hawaii Comic Con, which will be held on September 18, 19, & 20th here in Honolulu at the Hawaii Convention Center.

However, we would like to issue the following correction:

During our discussion for this topic, Maka cited the start-end times for the convention at 10 am to 6 pm for Day 2, and 10 am to 3 pm for Day 3.

However, the ACTUAL start-end times for this convention are from 10 am to 7 pm (Day 2) & 10 am to 6 pm (Day 3).


I would like to point out that the discussion that takes place is just a FIRST IMPRESSION of what Maka (and to some degree Clue and Mr. A) have observed thus far.

On our very next episode, Maka (who will be attending the convention) will be providing a more comprehensive review of the proceedings.


And at this time, I would like to re-state the following disclaimer:

The opinions contained in this episode (and in ANY episode of our show) are strictly that. OPINIONS. They are NOT INTENDED to serve as an attack, in any conceivable form, on any particular person or organization.

So, now that we got that out of the way, please sit back and enjoy the fruit of our labors.

~Totoro (Creator, Executive Producer)

WARNING! This episode contains mature language and adult content.
Listener discretion is advised!

Show Notes
The Otaku 5-0 Show's Audio Podcast: Episode 8.03

Recording Date: September 17, 2015
Running Time: 98 minutes

Totoro (Creator, Executive Producer)
Mr. A (Executive Producer)
Maka (Executive Producer)
Panda Mac (Producer)
Clue (Guest Contributor)

Click here to download episode.


1. Opening Bit: Quote of the Day (Totoro)

2. Moviematic 5-0: The Pitch - "Squirt"

3. This Week In MMA (All)

4. The Amazing Hawaii Comic Con Pre-Kon Discussion Segment (All)

5. Moviematic 5-0: The Return (Totoro, Mr. A, Maka, Panda Mac)

6. Lead-out (All)

Musical Notes:
-Opening Theme: "Kefka's Theme" from Final Fantasy VI
-Ending Theme: "Breach of Contract" from Ah! My Goddess
Coming Soon...
Our next podcast episode!
Feedback is always accepted here at The Otaku 5-0 Show!
Please send us an e-mail to us at
Post a comment on this blog!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Audio Podcast: Season 8, Episode 2

Episode 112

Aloha, everybody!

Totoro here, with not just the newest episode of our podcast, but some additional good news.

As of today, I am now able to post all NEW episodes of our revived podcast on iTunes!

To subscribe, just search for, "The Otaku 5-0 Show" on iTunes.

For tonight's episode, we are unveiling a new topic:


The premise of the topic is simple enough: Each time we feature the topic, we will pick a FRANCHISE of a certain type of media (movies, video games, TV series, etc.) that, in our humble opinion must die a horrible death.

Well, that's about it. I would like to extend my personal thanks to our audience for their patience as we continue on. Our audio quality issues will be addressed either later this season or during our off-season break.

As always, please enjoy the fruits of our labors.

~Totoro (Creator, Executive Producer)


Show Notes
The Otaku 5-0 Show's Audio Podcast: Episode 8.02

Recording Date: September 9, 2015
Running Time: 103 minutes
Totoro (Creator, Executive Producer)
Mr. A (Executive Producer)
Maka (Executive Producer)
Panda Mac (Producer)


1. Opening Bit: Quote of the Day (Totoro)

2. Random Chatter (All)

3. This Week In MMA (Panda Mac)

4. Back To School: TV Shows We Loved Back In Middle School/Junior High (All)

5. Franchise Killer: Videogames (All)

6. A Geeky Conversation Re: Star Wars (All)

7. Lead-out (Totoro)

Musical Notes:
-Opening Theme: "Kefka's Theme" from Final Fantasy VI
-Ending Theme: "Breach of Contract" from Ah! My Goddess


Coming Soon...
Our next podcast episode!
Feedback is always accepted here at The Otaku 5-0 Show!
Please send us an e-mail to us at
post a comment on this blog!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Audio Podcast: 8th Season Premiere!

Episode 111

Aloha, everybody!

I am proud to present the first episode of our audio podcast!

Although I must insert a caveat here: While the quality of the audio is MUCH better than our test footage, we can do better. I ask you, our audience to be patient as we continue to work through our difficulties.

Additionally, we are unable to post our episodes to iTunes at this time due to newfound technical difficulties. However, you may still listen to the episode here on our website or by downloading it as a free .mp3 file!

~Totoro (Creator, Executive Producer)

Show Notes
The Otaku 5-0 Show's Audio Podcast: Episode 8.01

Recording Date: August 19, 2015
Running Time: 99 minutes

Totoro (Creator, Executive Producer)
Mr. A (Executive Producer)
Panda Mac (Producer)

Click here to download episode.

1. Opening Bit: Bad Joke of the Day (Mr. A)

2. Random Chatter (All)

3. This Week In MMA (Totoro & Panda Mac)

4. Sequels H20 (All)

5. Trekflix - Star Trek As A Netflix Series? (All)

6. Movie Baseball: Pitch A Comic Book Movie (All)

7. Sign-Off

Coming Soon...
Our next podcast episode!
Feedback is always accepted here at The Otaku 5-0 Show!
Please send us an e-mail to us at
Post a comment on this blog!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Mr. A's Review of.....The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

The Plot
Napoleon Solo, former soldier turned professional thief turned international CIA operative, is tasked by his handlers to bring in Gaby Teller, the rough and tumble daughter of a missing former Nazi scientist turned American collaborator in hopes of locating her father. Standing in his way and ruining his general good time is top KGB agent and all around Russian Superman Illya Kuryakin.
The two agents would love nothing more than to rip each others throats out, but they have bigger fish to fry. Forced to work together the trio must race against the clock to stop Alexander and Victoria Vinciguerra, wealthy Nazi sympathizers, from forcing Gaby's father into building them a nuclear weapon. 
With tensions running high and lives on the line it's up to our heroes to put their egos aside and man up.

The Review
Oh, Man From U.N.C.L.E., there was such high hopes for you...
Here's the thing, this film wasn't bad, not by any stretch, but it really wasn't that good either. The opening credits imposed over various Cold War news footage set the tone well and the introductions of the main characters and subsequent chase scene through East Berlin were fantastic, even the following scenes involving Napoleon and Illya butting heads were well done. The characters were decently thought out and the actors portraying them (especially Armie Hammer) brought real gusto and knew when to chew scenery and when not to. The settings, costumes, and cinematography were impeccable, the action scenes, shootouts, chases, all that were awesome and even the bits of humor had me rolling in my seat...But that's it.
The story was bland and predictable, spy movie tropes were rampant, and the pacing was dirt. It was good dirt, real high-end stuff, like you knew it would make your tomatoes grow faster, but it's still dirt.
One of my major problems with the film story-wise is that Napoleon (played by Henry Cavill who looks better in a suit and tie than a cape) is pegged to be the main character, but he really doesn't feel like it. Illya has the heart breaking backstory, Illya has the complex emotional issues, and Illya is the one you make a connection with. Had this been an origin film for the intrepid KGB operative I think I would have enjoyed it much more.

The Verdict
With a golden cast and enough retro set pieces to keep your eyes entertained, The Man from U.N.C.L.E. is worth a watch...if you're renting. If you're looking for something to watch on a $6 Tuesday or whatever you have in your area then it might even be worth that, but anything more than that you're probably better off saving your money. It might be my fault, I might have hyped myself up too much for this film, but in the days where 007 and Mission: Impossible can crank out a sold film every few years why can't we have a well-crafted throwback film based on a critically-acclaimed property that isn't Get Smart?


Well that's it for this one. At least it didn't have Tom Cruise in it.
Damn, I think I know what I'm reviewing next.....

Jaa mata,
Mr. A (Executive producer, international man of mystery)

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Audio Podcast: Test Episode

Episode 110

Aloha everybody!

As we are gearing up for a full production run, we would like to present to you a sample episode!

I would like to apologize in advance for the quality of the audio (yes, we know it's a bit on the soft side.)

Show Notes
The Otaku 5-0 Show Audio Podcast: Test Episode

Recording Date: August 12, 2015
Running Time: 44 minutes

Mr. A (Executive Producer)
Smylex (Producer)
Panda Mac (Producer)

1. Lead-in (All)

2. Drug Testing, Other Jokes, & Deep Thoughts (All)

3. Re: UFC (All)

4. Re: Dragon Ball Super (All)

5. Re: Beetlejuice 2 (All)

6. Closing Thoughts

Click here to download episode.

Coming Soon...
Our next podcast episode (with better volume this time!)
Feedback is always accepted here at The Otaku 5-0 Show. Please send us an e-mail to us at OR post a comment on this blog!